Illinois Bar Exam Information

The Illinois Bar Exam is a 2 day exam. Day 1 consists of three Illinois drafted essay questions (30 minutes each), one 90-minute Multistate Performance Test (MPT) question, and six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) questions. Day 2 is the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, multiple-choice exam.

What subjects will you be tested on?

Administrative Law, Agency, Commercial Paper, Conflict of Laws, Corporations, Equity, Family Law, Federal Jurisdiction & Procedure, Federal Taxation, IL Civil Procedure, Partnerships, Personal Property, Sales, Secured Transactions, Suretyship, Trusts & Future Interests, Wills (Decedents’ Estates), Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts.

What’s the minimum score for MPRE?

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE administered after the applicant has completed the equivalent of two full years of law school is required for admission.

Need to sign up for MPRE? Learn about registration, testing policies, and more on our MPRE Registration Guide.

How is the exam scored?

The MBE is weighted 50%, essays (IEE/MEE) are weighted 40%, and the MPT is worth 10%. A total scaled score of 266 is required to pass the bar.

When are the results released?

Results are released 6 weeks after the February exam and 8-10 weeks after the July exam.

Can I transfer my MBE scores from another jurisdiction?

Applicants can transfer previous MBE score of at least 140 from another jurisdiction if within 13 months from preceding exam and applicant passed the bar exam in that jurisdiction.

What about reciprocity across states?

In order to be eligible for admission without taking the Illinois Bar Exam, the applicant must be a member of a reciprocating state bar and have engaged in the active practice of law for 5 of the 7 years immediately preceding the application. The applicant must also meet education requirements. The applicant must be a graduate of an ABA accredited law school and prove intent to practice a minimum of 500 hours annually, physically in Illinois.

What are the application deadlines and fees?

Please visit the Board of Admissions to the Bar website for details on application deadlines and fees, as well as for more information on other topics.

Contact information

Tel: (217) 522-5917

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