Doing Business

Charlotte County is a paradise for business. Along with our amazing Florida weather and unspoiled natural beauty, we have a dynamic workforce with skills that span industries. On our website, you'll find a variety of resources to help power your growth, from planning to permitting and more – so you can set sail for success.

Charlotte County Economic Development Office

Charlotte County Economic Development Office

Skilled workforce, world class business location, the ultimate Florida lifestyle.

COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information

Get information for Charlotte County on health, openings/closings, restrictions, resources and more.

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Business Assistance

A reference guide for expanding, relocating and start-up companies in Charlotte County

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Forms, documents, and additional information related to the permitting process

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Contractor Licenses

Licenses, registration, requirements and additional contractor resources

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Economic Development Office

In Charlotte County, your business is cleared for takeoff

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Comprehensive Plan

Charlotte 2050 is a document that establishes the vision of the citizens about how the county will grow in the future

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Applications and Forms

List of licensing, zoning, and planning documents

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Impact Fees

Impact fees are used to pay for the new County facilities required by growth

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GIS Maps

Spatial information to support county departments and their customers

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Planning and Zoning

Department responsible for zoning, code enforcement, and more