Judicial Separation And Divorce Under Hindu Marriage Law | Grounds Of Divorce And Judicial Separation

Before Diving deep into the concept of judicial separation and divorce the elementary understanding of marriage is vital since time immemorial marriage has been the greatest and most significant of all institutions in human society. Marriage is an inviolable union. The shastric Hindu law considers marriage as one of the essential sanskars formed on the basis of traditions and customs. The Hindu religion has always considered marriage a sacramental relationship that cannot be dissolved. As per the Vedas “Dharma must be practiced by man together with his wife and offspring”.

The Manu smriti, says that for a Hindu Man to get married, he needs to find a faithful woman from his own caste. It correspondingly mentions that marriage cannot be dissolved by a man or a woman. The above instances reflect a firm belief in the institution of marriage.

Prior to 1955, there was no mention of putting an end to a marriage, parties had to stay together in all settings and circumstances. With the prevailing conditions and changes the need to end a marriage instead of compromise grew. Then the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act, 1976, created the grounds for divorce and for judicial separation as mentioned in section 10 of the Hindu marriage, act 1955.

Judicial Separation:

As per the Modern laws if a person wants to step out of a marriage and doesn’t want to extend the same then he may request relief under the Hindu marriage act, 1955. Spouses married under the Hindu marriage act 1955 are entitled to claim the relief of judicial separation, it is referred as, A legal procedure where the married couple lawfully split up or separates despite of being married.

When a marriage is unable to coexist peacefully and without conflict due to domestic abuse, judicial separation is utilised as a remedy. Additionally used as a quick fix to settle family conflicts outside of the legal system. Protecting the concerned children's well-being and preserving the family's unity are the goals of this separation.

The separation here is lawfully sanctioned by the court. The cause of judicial separation can be for the reason that the spouses have conflicting differences and their incompatibility. A time for self-analysis and rethinking is given to the parties before concluding the matters.

Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 offers the Judicial Separation for:


In the opinion of Arthashastra, there can be an end to a marriage if dissolved by mutual consent and must be unapproved marriage. Contrary to what Manu taught. But the concept of divorce prevailed and was established as a practice to put an end to the marriage. A Marriage can break on various grounds like matrimonial offences, oppression of one party on the other and When parties want to dissolve the marriage mutually.

Section 13 in The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 explains;

The Supreme court in the case of Munish Kakkar v. Nidhi Kakkar, (2020) dissolved the marriage while exercising its jurisdiction underneath Article 142 of the Constitution of India (discretionary power to the Supreme Court), for the reason that marriage was “emotionally dead”.

Filing petition for Judicial Separation:

A judicial separation petition can be filled by any the spouses in a district court under Section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

All the petitions must be according to Order VII Rule 1 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1973 it is essential for every petition to contain:

Who can file a petition against the Hindu Marriage Act under Section 10?

How to file a suit for judicial separation or divorce?

Parties can file the divorce petition at the family court which is in the jurisdiction of the matrimonial house. It can also be filled at the family court where the marriage took place. Women can file the petition in the family court of where she is residing at the period of filing of the petition.

In case of contested divorce (one party wants a divorce but the other party does not) can be filed too:

In case of Mutual divorce (both the parties want divorce) can be filed:

Grounds of divorce and judicial separation:

As per the Hindu Marriage Act,1955 following are the grounds for Judicial Separation and Divorce in India: