Medicaid application lafayette la

Medicaid Application Centers

Please click on your parish in the map below to see a list of Medicaid Application Centers in your area. Not all Application Centers accept walk-in applications. Please call the Application Center first before visiting a site. For assistance with your Medicaid application, or to ask questions about programs or services, please call toll free 1.888.342.6207 .

Regional Map - Click a number to get regional information

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Mailing Address: Louisiana Department of Health | P. O. Box 629 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629
Physical Address: 628 N. 4th Street | Baton Rouge, LA 70802 | PHONE: 225-342-9500 | FAX: 225-342-5568
Medicaid Customer Service 1-888-342-6207 | Healthy Louisiana 1-855-229-6848